YYCFoodTrucks was initialized in late 2010 in an effort to bring street food culture to Calgary. With no program in place for such a great community building utility, we were an integral part in implementing and regulating a viable solution.

On August 11, 2011, James and Brittany founded YYCFoodTrucks and Food Truck Culture in Calgary was born. 

Calgary has quickly become a mecca for innovative food culture that is continuously growing through a desire to offer locally made, high level, sustainable food. The pilot project was an attempt to add vibrancy to our streets and bring people together in beautiful parts of our city, and we succeeded.

YYCFoodTrucks seeks to assist clients in creating, and executing, long-term sustainable businesses that can be significant and valuable contributors to both their owners and the local communities that they service.

In 2018, Jen and Jeremy stepped in to take the food truck movement to the next level, They currently operate several trucks in Calgary, and are passionate entrepreneurs committed to keeping YYCFoodTrucks as the pre-eminent name in Food Truck culture across the globe.


We would love to hear from you!

Feel free to email us at hello@calgaryfoodtrucks.com with any and all great ideas!

If you are a vendor looking to join us, please use the vendor section to contact us.